The temperature is changing. I’m not much into colder weather. I prefer heat—80s on up. None of my disorders like colder weather either, so yesterday, with the temperature drop, my body was a little more jerky than I needed it to be. I do enjoy watching the leaves change colors though. Fortunately, right now it’s cold in the morning but warmer in the evenings with the temperatures staying in the mid-70s and low 80s.
I tend to do a lot more writing and editing in the fall and winter. Maybe it’s because I stay inside more. Maybe it’s because my dog prefers to snuggle up under my desk when the temperature falls. She does well tolerating both the heat and cold though, so she’ll still want to go outside and roll around the grass. I can write outside in the spring and summer with my Chromebook, but can’t get comfortable enough when it’s cooler outside. Her not wanting to go out as much helps me be more productive.
So, with the temperature change have I been writing more? No. Not much writing has gotten done this week because I’ve been busy with life. But I have made progress with the editing, which is mainly what I wanted to concentrate on this month.
Forthcoming Poetry Book
I received my second proof copy back from KDP yesterday. I haven’t had a chance to start another round of edits yet, but the corrections I needed to make to the cover came out good. It was mainly the spine text being off. It’s hard to tell sometimes with KDP because they can really jack up a book. I still haven’t figured out why they can’t be consistent.
I’ll be going through the book these next couple of weeks to see if there are anymore changes that need to be made. As of right now, everything looks good. But I still need to do one more readthrough.
Crime/Thriller Series
Book one has been sent off to my beta reader. I’m expecting to get her feedback next week. Once that’s received, I’ll be putting it away until December.
I’m currently 23% done with the second draft of book two. I’m hoping to get that completed this month so I can send it off to the beta reader in November.
I’ll be writing books three and four for NaNoWriMo in November.
Here’s a list of software I use to write, manage everything, and for graphics.
WordPerfect 12 - A lot of people prefer Microsoft Word, but I’ve always used WordPerfect12. I do have an option (under Workspace Manager) to switch to Word and I do when it’s time to work on my ebook. Other than that, I never use it. I write and format my books in WordPerfect. I also create character sheets and business documents with the software.
Scrivener - The only thing I use Scrivener for is to keep track of my drafts, that way I have a backup of everything in a different format.
Adobe Illustrator CS5 - I use this for book covers and graphic design for my other business. I’ve never found any need to upgrade.
Canva - I use this to make advertisements, book trailers, cover reveals, and to get ideas for book covers.
Anytype - I used to work with Notion but sometimes the program didn’t want to open. I got tired of fooling with it and moved over to Anytype. One of the things I love about it, is I don’t have to be tied to the internet to use it. It helps me keep track of my WIP. I also have all my books setup and separated by book type (poetry, short stories, novellas, novels).
Balabolka - This helps during the editing process. I use it to listen to my poems and stories read out loud.
Google Forms - I use this to set up my forms for ARC readers.
Google Calendar - I use this for keeping track of my writing schedule and posting schedule for The Nefarious Ones.
On Repeat
Who doesn’t love Rob Zombie? This week I’ve been jammin’ to Superbeast. Enjoy!
Alright ya’ll. I have a ton of editing to do, so back to work. Everyone stay safe.
Rena Aliston
I still use CS5 as well. Hate the Adobe subscription model.
What's the draw of Wordperfect? I hate Word but it's the standard.