For those of you who don’t know, I have a rare neurological disorder called myoclonus dystonia. After going through a long run of different medications, all of which I was allergic to, I started getting botox injections in my neck and shoulders. It’s helping, but yesterday’s injections were extremely painful and left me unable to function all day. That pushed me behind.
I had every intention of picking up the slack today, but I’m still in pain, so it’s not happening. I’m thinking I’ll be able to edit a few drabble and maybe a short story this evening, but that’s just me being hopeful at this point.
So, what have I been able to accomplish this week?
The second book in The Hourglass Collection has been edited. I received another proof copy to make sure everything on the cover was correct. The book will be released in May. I’ll have more updates as the month progresses.
The second book in The Devil’s Reign series is where I’m stuck with the editing. I have one more round to go (after I finish editing these last few stories) and then the book will be ready for pre-order. I’ll be revealing the title and cover next week.
That’s it. I haven’t written anything new, which is probably good since I wrote a lot last year. I go through these phases of writing in bulk and then editing in bulk. For some reason, my mind doesn’t want to do both at the same time. It’s been working for me so far, so I’m not going to change anything.
That’s it for this week. I’ll be posting the cover next Wednesday, so be on the lookout for that. Everyone have a safe weekend.
Rena Aliston