Office Revamp Update
For those of you who aren’t aware, it’s winter. I’m in Louisville and we got hit with an unnecessary amount of snow and ice. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, I’m used to rough winters, so this wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. That being said, I don’t enjoy shoveling snow.
Another storm is headed our way and I think it’s supposed to hit either Friday or Saturday. We’re not expecting any ice but a couple inches of snow (unless something changes).
What does this have to do with my office? All of my packages are delayed because of the weather. I can’t finish my office until everything gets here. As of right now, it’s cleaned up and functional, but I still have to move things around in order to use certain areas of the office.
Hopefully everything will be here by next week so I can finish.
The Devil’s Reign Series
I’m currently waiting on my proof copy of the second book in the series. It’s supposed to be here today. According to my schedule, I start editing tomorrow (fingers crossed). The short story collection is set to be released in April.
Today, I plan on working on the book trailer, cover reveal images, and promotional goodies.
Divine Madness
My forthcoming poetry book, Divine Madness: A Dark Poetry Collection, will be released on the 20th. It’s currently available for preorder.
The Hourglass Collection
Ya’ll, the second book is finally done. I finished it this morning. Like The Red Hour, it will contain 92 poems. Tomorrow I plan on assigning an ISBN to the book and then I’ll order a proof copy from KDP on Friday. As of right now, I have a release date set for May.
Eighteen poems have been written for book three so far. I plan on writing more next week and am hoping to finish the book by March so I can release it this year as well.
Crime/Thriller Series
I started working through the third draft of book one at the beginning of the month. It’s a novella, so I’ve been able to get through a couple of chapters a day so far. I’m hoping to complete this draft by the end of the month so I can start draft three of the second book.
On Repeat
I love me some The Kills. For the past couple of days, I’ve been jammin’ to this song - Days of Why and How.
Alright ya’ll, that’s it for now. Everyone try to stay warm.
Rena Aliston