Thank goodness or Google Calendar. I tend to plan out my writing year online and then every month, move everything to my planner. This makes it easier to move things around. I’ve already changed this month’s calendar once because I ended up pushing through edits for The Devil’s Hymn rather quickly.
One of the things I’ve noticed about my schedule is I have a certain pattern (at least for the past couple of years). I write more in Spring and Summer. In Fall and Winter, I tend to edit and release books. Will that change? Possibly, but right now it seems natural to me.
The Devil’s Hymn
I’m currently waiting on my final proof copy. It should be here by next week. Once it comes, I’ll give it a final read and then get everything set up for pre-order. I’ll be writing the third and final book for The Devil’s Reign series in June.
The first book in the series, The Devil’s Grave, is available in paperback and ebook. You can also get a free copy (ebook) by joining my mailing list.
The Hourglass Collection
The second book in The Hourglass Collection is just about ready. I have my final proof copy but still need to do one final read, which I’m planning on doing Sunday. I’m also waiting on a proof from Barnes & Noble and Bookvault so I can make sure the cover looks good through those sellers. I’ll reveal the cover and title next month and then get everything set up for pre-order.
The first book in the series, The Red Hour, is available in paperback and ebook.
Crime/Thriller Series
I haven’t done an update on the crime/thriller series in a while. Last year, I stated that I hoped to release the first book this year. I was pushing for June or July but have settled on August. That’ll give me time to do about three more rounds of edits. I’ll be working through the first of the three rounds next month.
If you’re interested in reading the second draft of the book, you can follow along over on Patreon. I just finished posting all the chapters and will start posting the second draft of book two next week.
Conjure Series
I’m currently writing the poems for Conjure Volume 2. They’re also posted over on Patreon. Like the first book, this one will consist of 50 poems and be available in ebook format. The book is 83% finished and I plan on writing all the poems this month.
As of right now, I have the book set to be released in September, but that might change, depending on how quickly I get the book formatted and edited. There will be three books in the series. I’ll start writing Volume 3 when I finish with Volume 2, so I might be able to get both of them released this year. We’ll see what happens.
After all of the ebooks are finished, I’ll release Conjure as a paperback. The physical book will consist of all three books for a total of 150 poems.
Conjure Volume 1 is currently available in ebook and audiobook format.
On Repeat
I came across Chinchilla last month after browsing around on YouTube for something new (music-wise). I instantly fell in love with this song - Little Girl Gone.
Alright ya’ll, that’s it for this week. Everyone stay safe.
Rena Aliston